Hi Everyone !!!
I can't believe it has been so long since I have been on here ... WOW !!! I did get busy with Christmas and then I have been having bad problems with my Fibromyalgia and my middle back. We also lost one of our beloved pets at the end of January ... my daughter's dog Squirt -- we thought she had a stomach bug and it turned out only 25% of her kidney's were functioning so we put her to sleep so she would not suffer. She is very greatly missed, especially since we were not expecting it. But she was a fighter till the end even trying to bite the nurse when she was examining her.

When I felt better I redid some of the stuff in my store and then I decided to go through EVERYTHING in the craft room and closet so I could re-organize and get rid of the items I wasn't going to use. What a job that turned into -- a week and a half later it is so much better... still a little crowded but I need to win the lottery and get my own studio to take care of that problem. I am actually having more fun working in here too now that I know where everything is lol ;)
Check out the pics and see what you think
All of my pretty butterflies, dragonflies and fairies hanging from the ceiling.
The side view of behind my file cabinet -- I bought a big basket and put all my unmounted stamps that I have in CD cases in here. The basket on top is full of lace and ribbon ;)
The inside of the basket ... I need another basket lol ;)
The side view of my other shelf that is against the wall ... contains all my buttons, sequins, sea shells, star fish and all kinds of embellies alongs with some finished cards in the glass container. :)
This is more ribbon and lace that is on top of the drawer where that shelf is ;)
The next section of drawers and what is on top of them ... ric-rack and seam binding are in this big basket. I also have paper flowers in the back and all kinds of paper ephemera out in view. ;)
Next sections contain paper, cards, doilies, bingo cards, other embellies. The drawers going across and down contain supplies and embellishments for Christmas etc. The rest of the drawers have my wood mounted stamps in them ;)
My cool little CD player and of course the glitter cabinets :D
The right side of my desk contains scissors, colored pencils, glue and lots of other goodies I use all the time. ;)
The center view of my desk with the froggies at the top ;D
Tattered angel sprays and glitter paints are lined up on the shelf. Then I have smooch accent inks, perfect pearls, stickles along with all my crushed glass glitter and mixed beads where I can get to them easily ;)
I added this hanging rack for my older lace ... seems to be working well except it is getting full quick ;)
The left side view of the desk my Twinkling H2O watercolors in the rack and more embellies in the cases. ;)
Of course I have more glitter!!! These cabinets also hold embossing powder, fun flock, beadies, flower soft plus other fun stuff ;)
I am including the latest project I finished today the image is from Sweet Pea Stamps ~ by Ching Chou Kiuk ~ Fading Love. It is a glass coaster that I slid the image into -- thank goodness it fit with the jewels.
I used pearlescent chalks on the background and colored her with colored pencils before glittering her and adding jewels and pearls. Thanks for taking the time to look my glittery creation hope you like her ;)